[DUG] Enable CheckBox

Colin Johnsun colin.adug at gmail.com
Tue Apr 27 12:53:56 NZST 2010

Yeah, that was my thinking on the topic too! But you said it much better :)

BTW, I'm wondering if Bob, the originator of this thread, wants to chime in
and let us know if any of these suggestions helped or not.

On 27 April 2010 10:34, Jolyon Smith <jsmith at deltics.co.nz> wrote:

>  Maybe it’s just me, but “A doesn’t equal B” surely reads more closely to
> the *real meaning* than “not (A does equal B)”.
> Apart from anything else, the latter *requires* parentheses to avoid the
> compiler getting confused and trying to do : “(Not A) equals (B)”.  i.e. the
> latter syntax is also to the compiler less close to the real meaning (since
> it requires disambiguation).
> From a human perspective the scanning is more fluid:  A <> B, reads left to
> right entirely as intended:  “A does not equal B”.
> NOT (A = B) on the other hand requires me to read it like a syntax tree
> parser:  “NOT “ … (OK, store the fact that I have to logically invert what
> follows, keep a mental note of parentheses) … then what follows is “( A is
> equal to B )” , right OK, so “A is equal to B inverted”, i.e. A does not
> equal B.
> In other words, exactly what is menat literally and clearly when I write… A
> <> B.
> But as I say, maybe it’s just me.
> NOT (I think like a computer).
> ;)
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