[DUG] A change in upgrade policy coming from Embarcadero

Paul A Norman paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Thu Sep 24 22:58:58 NZST 2009

Dear Jolyon,

the movements there look quite small - I was wondering if they fall into the
margin of error?

Strangely Lua has a minor upward delta but is shown as a negative red set of

I've had to aquire minor Lua skills with the LaTeX TeX community and related

And is the Pascal including Linux/Unix based forms I was wondering?
Still If D has gone down nearly 1 and Pascal up 0,5 simplisticly where have
the 0.5% balanace gone? - Number movements too small to warrant too much
thought I suspect.

2009/9/24 Jolyon Smith <jsmith at deltics.co.nz>

>  Oops – the TIOBE index:
> http://www.tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperinfo/tpci/index.html
> For the uninitiated:  A FreePascal license costs $0. Annual upgrades cost a
> further $0 per annum for minor updates and $0 for major updates.  Source
> code for the compiler, as well as the runtime libraries etc, is available at
> a further cost of $0.
> J
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