[DUG] A change in upgrade policy coming from Embarcadero

Richard Vowles richard at developers-inc.co.nz
Sat Sep 19 19:13:27 NZST 2009

Maybe we can go back to the central tenant of this discussion (I think).
Which is, can a caretaker of Delphi (whoever that is) be expected to change
the way Delphi has *always* been sold and supported? I.e. new versions stop
patches occuring on previous versions. Were the versions of Delphi 2005 so
bad that who-ever the caretaker now is should be required to go back and fix
that product? What should be required for Delphi 8?

Examples in the field of software development tools or *directly equivalent
disciplines* please. Comparison to Windows, house builders, plumbers or any
other such are allowed :-)

This discussion has bought out all sorts of interesting points of view.

And Paul, given your incredible civility in this conversation thus far and
dealing with my outburst of grumpiness with a very well worded email, I will
get Developers Inc to order you a Pro upgrade free of charge (we will pay
for it ourselves). Please let me know in email directly what version you
would like and where to ship it to. And no, I'm not doing it for anyone else
- you guys need to take it up with Borland :-) They'll probably try and sell

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