[DUG] A change in upgrade policy coming from Embarcadero

Kyley Harris Kyley at harrissoftware.com
Fri Sep 18 17:33:05 NZST 2009

Ben Taylor wrote a replacement Mem Manager that does that..

On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 5:29 PM, John Bird <johnkbird at paradise.net.nz>wrote:

> As far as Garbage collection in Delphi, I have sometimes wondered why there
> isn't something along the lines of a RTTI list of objects that have been
> created by the program in code (rather than autocreated by the
> Application),
> then it would be quite easy to go thru the list and figure out anything
> which needs to be freed, and hasn't been yet.
> With that you would have much of the features of a garbage collection, or
> at
> least an easy way for the programmer to work out what they forgot to free
> or
> never actually got freed..
> Oh wait there probably is somewhere....anyone know?   (You can tell I don't
> create and free objects that much, in part to avoid extra complexity).
> something along the lines of  (frantically inventing code - I am already
> used to interating thru components on a form)
> comp:TComponent;        //parent form
>        for compptr := 0 to comp.ComponentCount - 1 do
>        begin
>         if (comp.components[compptr].assigned) and
> (comp.components[compptr].LastUse < FiveMinsAgo)
>        then (comp.components[compptr].free)
> And because its friday...
> "%20       The Final Frontier..."
> John
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Kyley Harris
Harris Software
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