[DUG] A change in upgrade policy coming from Embarcadero

Conor Boyd Conor.Boyd at trimble.co.nz
Fri Sep 18 09:54:48 NZST 2009

Can't help with a link, but yeah, my recollection is the same; the
Delphi implementation spanked the C# one, even though it was the C# guys
who'd defined the context for the challenge.

-----Original Message-----
From: delphi-bounces at delphi.org.nz [mailto:delphi-bounces at delphi.org.nz]
On Behalf Of Jolyon Smith

Someone did some benchmarking not so long ago where the test conditions
were set by some C# guys - it was essentially an open benchmarking
challenge with invitations to submit optimal solutions in various
languages. I forget the details but the last I heard the C# code
struggled to get anywhere near the Delphi code.

I wish I could remember a link to it - it made for interesting reading

It was someone's blog I think.  Can anyone help out with a reference?

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