[DUG] A change in upgrade policy coming from Embarcadero

Paul A Norman paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 17:10:27 NZST 2009

Yes Phil,

I'm belieeving that the  databaseing that came out up untill delphi 5 (4 was
the last to do that) caused a huge enthuiast base for Delphi.

What the bean counters did not factor in then was that this brought in a lot
of talent to the Delphi community that may not have come through a purely
commercial stream.

Incredibly some of the best free (now we would call them OpenSource)
component developers were often them selves not full on commercial
developers, they might have been a chemist or engineer or physist, or younng
students who never were to be full time developers.

They wrote screeds of code and developed so many things that actually even
got incorporated into Delphi releases or as addons.

Economically a short soghted approach would say that these people didnt buy
Borland products. But they did make Delphi culture wide and full enough to
make it very attractive to full time developers who do buy IDEs

The human factor.

When I had probs with D.2005.Pro I endeed up looking at the free 2006 Turbo
thingie. But you could not write components and use them.
After I donwloaded it I got an unexpecterd call from DevlopersIncNZ. The
very nice person asked me what I weas hoping to do with D.2006.Turbo  I
explained that my D.2005.Pro was malfunctioning still and I wanted to see
what was around as Code Gear had never finally got back to me about it, (and
wern't answering emails either.)

She was very understandingt and thouight something should be done, and was
going to speak to some one  ( - Borland style - the good stuff) and they
would get back to me.

And I have heard nothing until Richard in this Forum smirked last night was
I actually using 2005?

So is that the level of support and followup we can expect?

2009/9/16 Phil Scadden <p.scadden at gns.cri.nz>

> The big thing with Delphi was that was just about as powerful as C++ but
> lot easier to use and the IDE was brilliant compared to anything else
> out there when it came out. I still have VS 1998 (for Fortran) as a
> comparison to "state of the art" then. Trouble is MS got Borland's man
> and now VS is state of the art. And C# kicks ass for many things. Delphi
> is heading into legacy for me - I can do things very quickly and have
> huge code base but start another major in it? Hmm. It used to be the
> numerical analysis code was in Fortran so translate to c++ or translate
> to Delphi was about even. Now all that codebase is there in C++. Those
> years when they decided on niche high profit instead of mass market,
> concentrate on delphi may have made an irretrievable hole. I do so much
> JS/Java now, that I find going back to begin..end,
> interface/implimentation a bit of a chore. Sure there are some
> advantages - but are they worth it?
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