[DUG] Page control oddity

Rohit Gupta r.gupta at xtra.co.nz
Wed Sep 16 09:10:06 NZST 2009

PageControl is odd period.  :-)  Never used it in D5, so I dont know.  
However in D2005/7 it has numerous idiosyncracies.  Once it did this to 
me D2010 then started working again.  Basically, something did not fire 
when its parents size was changed programatically.

John Bird wrote:
> Here's an odd one,
> I added some extra stuff to a page control tab (extra label and DBGrid), 
> which is set to resize with form to occupy whole screen, only it doesn't 
> when run.  It used to, now has stopped.
> Any ideas?  all the properties are set proplery, just doesn't resize,. or 
> sometimes does and sometimes doesn't.
> Delphi 5
> John
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