[DUG] Presentation in Christchurch - any other meetings in Chch?

Richard Vowles richard at developers-inc.co.nz
Wed Oct 14 19:20:51 NZDT 2009

Don't take this the wrong way, but the Internet is really good for drawing
like people together more than people who disagree. All of the social
networking concepts really encourage you to follow people who are
like-minded - blogs, facebook, twitter, etc. I wouldn't be surprised that
people who follow your blog want 64 bit more than cross platform.
I have to agree with you on that though, I have seen much more of a demand
for 64 bit than cross platform. But in NZ, we tend to be outliers rather
than the norm. Malcolm is responsible for pretty much all of Asia/Pacific -
so his territory covers NZ, Australia, India, Taiwan, Korea, China, South
East Asia, Singapore and I think Japan. Thats a lot of differing opinion -
and I suspect the growing number of Mac people in "real life" is
contributing towards it.

2009/10/14 Jolyon Smith <jsmith at deltics.co.nz>

> Ø  From what Malcolm says though I’m in the minority. I’m surprised but it
> wouldn’t be the first time ;-).
> I would love to know where Malcom gets his numbers because the empirical
> evidence seems to contradict his figures starkly.  For instance, among
> visitors to my blog, did all those people who thought that cross-platform is
> a better idea than 64-bit simply choose not to comment and point out the
> error in my thinking?
> Currently the comments are running about 12/13:1 in the exact **opposite**
> bias to that which Malcolm’s comments would have suggested I could expect.
> --
Richard Vowles, Technical Advisor
Developers Inc Ltd
web. http://www.developers-inc.co.nz
ph. +64-9-3600231, mob. +64-275-467747, fax. +64-9-3600384
skype. rvowles, LinkedIn, Twitter
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