[DUG] Elevating Delphi code in Vista
Jeremy Coulter
jscoulter at gmail.com
Thu May 7 16:14:26 NZST 2009
After reading that document, now i know why my app. didnt like being in the
program files folder....I mean I alwasys know it was somthign to do with
security, but didnt relalise the extent of the limitations of a standard
user !
On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 3:51 PM, Jeremy Coulter <jscoulter at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have never really moved from INI files to be honest so our app. running
> on Vista was pretty straight forward EXCEPT that it didnt like running under
> the "c:\program files\" folder for some reason. I didnt ever try to find out
> I must admit, but other than that the conversion was fine.
> On that not, anyone tried Windows 7 yet? I am liking it so far.
> Jeremy
> On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 3:34 PM, Robert martin <rob at chreos.co.nz> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I cant find the resource I last used but there are heaps of web pages
>> about this. See link below for the codegear one hat has some information
>> that may be of use.
>> http://pascalfonteneau.developpez.com/articles/delphi/vista/uac/VistaUACandDelphi.pdf
>> Some time (before Vista) we made the jump out of the registry and back to
>> ini files and have never regretted it ! Certainly made Vista enabling our
>> app pretty easy :)
>> Cheers
>> Rob
>> Conor Boyd wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm about to pull a chunk of code out of my Delphi app and bundle it into
>> another binary so that I can elevate that chunk of functionality on Vista,
>> while leaving the main app running unelevated.
>> I've seen a number of references to the blog posting linked below which I
>> can't get access to (when I visit it, it says I haven't been invited to read
>> that blog). I believe this article to be describing how to package this
>> code up into a COM DLL and elevate my administrative functionality that way.
>> http://developersoven.blogspot.com/2007/02/leveraging-vistas-uac-with-delphi-part.html
>> Can anybody here provide more information on this process? I know how to
>> write COM DLLs no problem, but I'm unsure about whether there are other
>> issues involved here?
>> Or does anybody have an alternative suggestion for functionality requiring
>> elevation on Vista? The other alternative I've got is just to bundle my
>> code into a simple executable with an elevated manifest resource compiled
>> into it, and simply ShellExec that.
>> (The functionality in question is simply writing value(s) to "our" key in
>> HKLM in the registry).
>> Thanks,
>> Conor
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