[DUG] delphi is fast-very fast

Berend de Boer berend at pobox.com
Wed Jul 1 21:59:23 NZST 2009

>>>>> "Gary" == Gary T Benner <gary at benner.co.nz> writes:

    >> Careful they didn't do C or C++

    Gary> A quick wipe of the glasses to remove the smudges from a
    Gary> long day at the 'board, and wow, you be right!

    Gary> Interesting that PHP was 1000-2500 times slower than Delphi
    Gary> though don't you think?  kr

No, not interesting at all. I'm guessing that this particular test was
optimised for applications that allocate a given data structure as a
single blob of memory.

And then you compare it to a language where the default is to allocate
memory in small disjointed chunks where you need to lookup references.


Berend de Boer

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