[DUG] [Off topic] electronic parts

Paul Hectors paul.hectors at gmail.com
Sun Jan 18 17:32:11 NZDT 2009

Hi Leigh,

I have been away which is the reason for my slow response.

You can purchase components from the following over and above the ones
that have been mentioned

Overseas sites that ship to NZ
www.mouser.com ( I think they are opening in Hong Kong shortly)

Best regards,


On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Leigh Wanstead <leighw at softtech.co.nz> wrote:
> Happy new year everyone.
> I am interested to know where is a good place to buy electronic components
> in Auckland except jaycar and dicksmith.  I mean got most stuff i.e.
> microchip, IC, connector at reasonable price. Reasonable price means
> whatever the price sold in usa is around the same or little more in New
> Zealand. I found lots of stuff simply not available.
> Is there any place in New Zealand allows me to do a customize circuit
> diagram at reasonable price. The volume usually is 1.
> Which shop to buy from USA without restriction i.e. we do not ship to New
> Zealand or overseas credit card not accepted etc?
> Have a nice day
> Regards
> Leigh
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