[DUG] [Off topic] electronic parts

Jeremy Coulter jscoulter at gmail.com
Mon Jan 12 15:32:04 NZDT 2009

for building one-off circuit boards I ended up doing them myself as the
price to get-offs is quite exspensive.
the method I use is the following:-

using Sripboardmagic I create my circut if its one I have designed.
I then print it out onto a transparency sheet (has to be a trancparency)
either from a Laser printer or a photocopier, then I clean my blank copper
coated board, then Iron on the circuit onto the copperboard.
This is a tricky process and it takes a few attempts to get the technique
right, but the best thing is, if you stuff it up, you can simply use a pot
scrubber and clean it off and try again.
Once I am happy with it I use Ferric Oxide to removed the unwanted copper.
I found using the photo expose method a bit of a pain.

I generally get bits from SICOM, South Island Component Center
www.sicom.co.nz since they are local and just up the road, but also because
they have most things.
Other than that, I use Farnell.


On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Leigh Wanstead <leighw at softtech.co.nz>wrote:

>  Happy new year everyone.
> I am interested to know where is a good place to buy electronic components
> in Auckland except jaycar and dicksmith.  I mean got most stuff i.e.
> microchip, IC, connector at reasonable price. Reasonable price means
> whatever the price sold in usa is around the same or little more in New
> Zealand. I found lots of stuff simply not available.
> Is there any place in New Zealand allows me to do a customize circuit
> diagram at reasonable price. The volume usually is 1.
> Which shop to buy from USA without restriction i.e. we do not ship to New
> Zealand or overseas credit card not accepted etc?
> Have a nice day
> Regards
> Leigh
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