[DUG] Runtime setting of HelpKeyword

delphi at paulanorman.info delphi at paulanorman.info
Thu Feb 19 15:49:09 NZDT 2009

Dear NZ Group,

If I set the helpkey string at run time, and immeadiately showmessage it. its there ok.

     thisCOntrol :=  thisForm.Controls[countCntrls ] ;

   if  (thisCOntrol.HelpKeyword = '') and fileexists(pancommonvars.panProgPath + 'html\'+buildKYWRD + '.html') then
                         thisCOntrol.HelpKeyword := buildKYWRD ;
                           thisControl.HelpType := htKeyword;
                   //   *** both the following (equiv) work and show the string in buildKYWRD 

                             showMessage(thisForm.Controls[countCntrls ].HelpKeyword  );
                             showMessage(thisCOntrol.HelpKeyword )

However when I later access it in the same sesion of the application - (with no code that removes it in the project at all) - its blank.

     // this comes out blank!
         showmessage((screen.ActiveControl as tcontrol).HelpKeyword);

Can this property be set at runtime?  
Should it persist for the current sesion of the application?

I'm using D2005 PRO UPDATE 3

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