[DUG] Program screen video capture

Alister Christie alister at salespartner.co.nz
Fri Aug 21 11:26:03 NZST 2009

I think there is a free product called camstudio, and the ultravnc 
people have made something also (which I haven't tested).  I think 
Techsmith (the camtasia people) have a free product which doesn't allow 

I'm using an old version of Camtasia (3.1) for all my videos.  We 
purchased version 2.x many years ago, but I found a free version of 3.1 
online as part of a magazine cover (I think it was for a European magazine).

Alister Christie
Computers for People
Ph: 04 471 1849 Fax: 04 471 1266
PO Box 13085

John Bird wrote:
> I have seen a few examples of people using products like Camtasia studio to 
> record program operation - I am interested in making some simple quick 
> tutorials.
> What tools do people here recommend?
> Free and simple ideally, ability to capture an audio commentary would be 
> very handy too.  Making files that are not huge for downloading also is an 
> advantage.  Length maybe up to 1-2 minutes.
> John 
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