[DUG] to Vista 64bit or not?

John Bird johnkbird at paradise.net.nz
Fri Aug 7 12:14:49 NZST 2009

Any comments from those with Windows 7 whether its worth thinking of upgrading a Sony Vaio with Vista (32 bit Home premium)  to Windows 7 ??

I am encouraged by the closeness of Vista and Windows 7 - ie same drivers, and internally Winodws 7 is actually V6.1 (compared to Vista V6.0).  And the comments on being nice to use.

I am discouraged by the fact being Sony its a OEM Vista and in the past whenever I have wanted to upgrade an OEM Windows the manufacturer has said basically "You can't"/"not supported"/violate warranty"/long list of drivers to upgrade meant to discourage you from trying.

I presume its possible to do an in-place upgrade - ie leaving everything installed there.   Don't really need a dual boot - if it doesn't work fine I would just go back to Vista - (would restore from a Hard disk image).   I would like to keep Window Mail if an upgrade doesn't remove it - I hear its not part of Windows 7?

I went from 2GB to 4GB RAM, and for Vista and particlarly D2007 it made a big difference - lots of parts of the IDE would previously take ages to load, eg refactoring.   Now all is pretty smooth running.   Vista uses up to about 3.2GB RAM and the rest does get used for caching as far as I understand.   Sysinternals reports Windows using about 2.5 to a bit over 3GB memory with usual workloads - D2007, lots of Firefox tabs.

Personally quite happy with Vista, overall better than XP, some annoying areas are mainly failure to resume sometimes, long delays after login and resume before the PC is ready to accept input (well over a minute).  Some of that is due to firewalls and AV updaters grabbing the PC and not letting it go until done, but some of it is Vista I think.

Note don't upgrade for huge speed improvements - From benchmarks I have seen there was little difference between XP Vista and Windows 7 - some show 7 is a little slower than Vista, some a little faster



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