[DUG] Delphi programs and Vista

Jeremy North jeremy.north at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 16:25:50 NZST 2008


My replies don't seem to make it to the list, so I have CC'd you as well.

1. Make sure Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True; is in your project
file before creating your main form. If you have a splash screen to
display, make sure the owner isn't TApplication.
2. If you are using the constant, then you are using the value for the
constant on that operating system. This is why clBtnFace was
introduced, because the Windows 2000 (or was it XP) the default gray
colour was different.
3. I haven't seen this myself, but have heard others have. I think it
occurs when the IDE starts up slower than expected (like another
process is consuming CPU while the IDE is being loaded).
4. What are the names of your executables? What do they do. Vista will
look at the executable name and if it has Setup or Install in the
name, will require UAC. Also it has been known to peak inside the exe
and from this might also show UAC.
5. I'd expect you'd run the IDE with administrator permissions to do this.

Hope that helps,

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 2:12 PM, John Bird <johnkbird at paradise.net..nz> wrote:
> A few observations running (D2007) delphi programs under Vista - anyone shed
> any light?
> 1 - When the mouse is on the task bar icon,  Sometimes Vista will show a
> thumbnail of the form, sometimes just a blank thumbnail with the program
> icon in it.  This relates to Delphi programs having an invisible "real" main
> form.  But Vista does often get the thumbnail display right with the actual
> form contents showing - why?
> 2 - The default Deplhi Vista form colour is a grey (clBtnFace) .....can this
> be tweaked?
> 3 - The IDE often shows 2 icons in the task bar.   I learnt the hard way not
> to close the one that looks like its doing nothing  (it closes the whole IDE
> shooting box).
> 4 - Programs I have written that get a UAC confirmation/prompt to run - are
> there any ways to turn this off?
> 5 - Such programs that require a UAC confirmation will not run in the IDE,
> so cannot be debugged.  Any solution?
> John
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