[DUG] TToolBar

Robert martin rob at chreos.co.nz
Tue Sep 16 09:35:41 NZST 2008

Hi All

I am writing some code to add buttons to an existing toolbar.  I have 
the following which works but inserts the buttons at the front of the 
existing items. 

                    Tb := TToolButton.Create(ButtonToolBar);
                    tb.Style := tbsButton;
                    tb.Action := ActionClientItem.Action;
                    tb.ImageIndex := ActionClientItem.ImageIndex;
                    Tb.ShowHint := True;
                    Tb.Hint := ActionClientItem.Caption;

What I really want to do is insert at the end.  This must be possible 
(the customise tool does it) but all the properties to set or move an 
item seem to be private.  Any suggestions?


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