[DUG] Porting Delphi code to Linux

Paul paul.blommaerts at telenet.be
Mon Sep 15 21:02:08 NZST 2008

Hi Edward,

I mostly use Delphi which is better than FreePascal, but it's Windows only.

> Well, I suppose that if you wrote code for Free Pascal, then all will be
> good.

I just started with FreePascal recently for Mac OSX and WinCE
As always, starting with a new environment is slow, a least for me :-)
There's good support though on the forum.
FreePascal/Lazarus is open source, but has a very active community since 
I found this very important myself.

> Also I assume that Windows messaging is for Windows only, and will not 
> work
> on Linux?
Indeed, only Windows works with messages.


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