[DUG] Compnent creation question

Neven MacEwan neven at mwk.co.nz
Wed Oct 15 18:42:55 NZDT 2008


Worth a crack though, Bristol! you have a good memory (or I make an 
AFAIF they only mak(d)e cars and planes

Re the VCL, I remeber talking to someone years ago who told me it was 
orinally boosted from a
smalltalk library, can't recall who the original author was

> Neven wrote: 
>> Thats why I though a Items.BeginUpdate would suppress events 
>> on the strings 
>> Usually as someon else posted, if this is a problem they may have a 
>> preceding event
> Yeah. I saw that. I haven't checked the VCL source but I suspect even
> calling BeginUpdate will likely still involve the Items TStrings wrapper
> trying to talk to the dead COMBO to ask it to not repaint as items
> messages are sent. Catch 22.
> The destructor is obviously too late to talk to Items on a Tcombo (at
> least, unless you hold your mouth right). That's the problem with leaky
> abstractions (i.e. wrappers) and mismatched lifetimes. The VCL can only
> hide so much behind it's skirt whilst still tring to leverage the
> Windows builtins. 
> Don't get me wrong. Borland did a pretty amazing job, but I sometimes
> wonder why they spent so much time cleverly wrapping the nasty windows
> builtins and replicating the faulty dialog manager design.
> I suppose it all looked like a good idea when they started. i.e. first
> 90% done, only remaining 90% left to go.
> But using TCombo replacements written in pure Delphi would have been so
> much simpler as a design model.  It sure would have obviated the
> Kylix/CLX deadend for Borland, but anyway, that boat has already sailed.
> Or you can go and build your own boat :-) Did Bristol ever get into
> shipbuilding? <Insert analogy here>
>   Paul.
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