[DUG] Searching ClientDataSet using locate

Robert martin rob at chreos.co.nz
Fri Nov 7 09:04:01 NZDT 2008


Sorry misunderstood the question.  I haven't done this stuff for a long 
time but found the following function that seems to do what you want...

function TCustomProcessFunctionality.GetVarArray: Variant;
//Breaks incoming values
    TempList    : TStringList;
    Counter     : Integer;
    // fSearchField is a return seperated list of values
    // build it in to a string list then add each value to the
    // variant array.

    TempList := TStringList.Create;
        TempList.Text := fSearchField;

        Result := VarArrayCreate([0, TempList.Count - 1], varVariant);

        for Counter := 0 to TempList.Count - 1 do begin
            Result[Counter] := TempList[Counter];

I believe this code works.

Seems very similar to your code.  are you sure that the variable you are 
using are ok (i.e. should AlphaFieldsAmx be  AlphaFieldsAmx - 1).

You are working on the right track.


John Bird wrote:
> Yes that would work for searching two fields, but do I do "n" fields - ie
> what I am trying to do is generalise and build a list of fields to search
> for at runtime where the number of fields to search changes
> (ie all where Datatype = ftString) - I can build a string listing the wanted
> string fields, and this goes in the first parameter ok.
> What I have not figured yet is how to build the second parameter when I am
> searching in an arbitrary number of fields  I am using the same search
> string  on all the fields,  (it has to be passed as a variant array with as
> many entries as the number of fields being searched if I understand
> correctly).
> I have tried something like
> Findstr:  String;                        //string to find in the dataset
> AlphaFieldsList: String;           //fields list of all string fields, eg
> 'Name;Address1;Address2;Description'
>                                              //this is built at runtime by
> looking at the dataset
> vAlphaStringsList:variant;
> AlphaFieldsAmx: iinteger;        //This is set to the number of string
> fields found in this dataset
>                 ...
>   if AlphaFieldsamx >=0 then
>  begin
>    vAlphaStringsList := VarArrayCreate([0, AlphaFieldsAmx],  varVariant);
>    for i := 0 to AlphaFieldsAmx do
>    begin
>        cAlphaStringsList[i] := Findstr;
>    end;
>   cdsFind.locate(AlphaFieldsList, vAlphaStringsList, [loPartialKey,
> loCaseInsensitive])
> I suspect I am doing something wrong building the variant parameter and I am
> new to working with variants...
> But it don't seem to work.....any suggestions how to build the second
> parameter?
> I have thought of doing the search by filtering, but some of the datasets I
> want to search on are already filtered which makes it harder to use filters
> for new functions..
> John
>> .Locate('Field1;Field1', VarArrayOf([Variable1, Variable2])
>> Works fine for me (all over the place but just with std TDataset)
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