[DUG] Developers not upgrading

Robert martin rob at chreos.co.nz
Wed May 21 09:47:19 NZST 2008


You can get QuickReports for Delphi2007 (they opened it up as a separate 
download).  Stability wise its actually pretty nice, you will find most 
things (asside from 'maybe' the help) to be a big improvement. 

There are some bugs that haven't been resolved (such as a memory leak 
when editing large pas files (say more than 20000 lines) but in general 
its a good product.  Seems like they are understaffed looking at che wee 
chua's posting.

If you are looking at porting from the BDE the IBObjects components 
(reasonably priced) provide an replacements for TDatabase, TQuery, 
TTable etc that are almost 100% compatible with their BDE versions and 
allow all TDataSource components to work.   You wont get great 
performance in some areas (as SQL databases are different beasts to file 
DBs) but you will quickly get your apps up and running. 

I would highly recommend IBObjects and FB (it also works with IB).

Perhaps I should ask for commission :)


Rob Martin
Software Engineer

phone +64 03 377 0495
fax   +64 03 377 0496
web www.chreos.com

Wild Software Ltd

Ian Drower wrote:
> Hmm..
> I've been running Delphi 5 for a long while now, still with some 
> projects using Paradox 5.0 database and the BDE.
> Its come time to migrate them to SQL, Microsofts SQL server, MySQL, 
> and was looking at Firebird as well, since the coming and going of 
> Interbase and Codegear hadn't really had the committment of Borland. 
> Right now, I'm considering the leap to DElphi2007, and the reports of 
> stability, interfacing , changes to the packaging, haven't got me 
> really excited. Also, quick reports isn't installed in Delhi2007, so 
> theres another major change to the code.
> If I could get hold of the SQL components update to Delphi 5, I'd 
> certainly try that first, as the investment in the change has to be 
> outweighed by the return.
> Question.. does anyone know how I can get the update package for 
> Delphi 5? Its a way of crossing a canyon in two bounds..
> With that sort of effort, upgrading becomes daunting for a relatively 
> inexperienced code writer.
> Ian Drower
> ID Systems NZ Ltd
> Sean Cross wrote:
>>> So in my case dont think i have scope to upgrade to Delphi 2007:(
>>> By the way anyone tried the intraweb feature in delphi latest version.
>> Since i am new to this particual functionalty?
>>> regards
>>> Vik
>> I have used Intraweb in a couple of projects with success.  I probably
>> wouldn't start a clean sheet project in it, but for using existing Delphi
>> code it is hard to beat.
>> Regards
>> Sean
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