[DUG] Developers not upgrading

Myles Penlington myles at ams.co.nz
Fri May 9 11:55:36 NZST 2008

Thankfully D2007 does not have these issues - and it is much faster.
Have you installed Andreas Hauslanden DelphiSpeedup Package? Well worth


The only issues experienced on D2006 IDE exit were ones from 3rd party
components and our own - which are now fixed.


>Yeah. I have BDS2006 and I miss from D7/D5 is:

>- starting an application in debug didnt produce application errors in 
>Delphi every 2-3 times. (This puzzle is getting worse I think - reset 
>and start debug again fixes it 99% of time)
>- didnt wait 30sec while screen crawls with desktop changes.
>- Dont have to work through 4-5 "catastrophic error", "Application 
>error" boxes when I exit

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