[DUG] Developers not upgrading

Phil Scadden p.scadden at gns.cri.nz
Fri May 9 11:06:37 NZST 2008

> Developers not upgrading...
Well I bought D2 Enterprise. When upgrade time around  I found not only 
was upgrade around 80% of purchase price, but so many of the 
"enterprise" bits were completely different. Ie Borland just provided a 
different set of 3rd party components so application upgrade was pain. 
Since then I decided to just buy my own 3rd party tools thanks which 
provide long lived support and only bought Professional version. I have 
huge no. of software suites on computer for petroleum and GIS work. I 
expect to pay 10-20% for software upgrades.
> In Delphi 5 I Don't miss (ie what Delphi 5 got right)
> -The help is blindlingly fast and convenient
> -Components hardly ever jump on the form when clicked
> -The IDE starts in about 5-10 seconds instead of 1-2 minutes
Yeah. I have BDS2006 and I miss from D7/D5 is:

- starting an application in debug didnt produce application errors in 
Delphi every 2-3 times. (This puzzle is getting worse I think - reset 
and start debug again fixes it 99% of time)
- didnt wait 30sec while screen crawls with desktop changes.
- Dont have to work through 4-5 "catastrophic error", "Application 
error" boxes when I exit

On other hand, debugging aids, organisation of components, code insight 
and many other nice IDE features keep me in 2006 rather than D7. And I 
keep hoping for Unicode.
Phil Scadden, Senior Scientist GNS Science Ltd 764 Cumberland St, 
Private Bag 1930, Dunedin, New Zealand Ph +64 3 4799663, fax +64 3 477 5232

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