[DUG] List Server Back Up

John Bird johnkbird at paradise.net.nz
Wed Jun 25 16:45:06 NZST 2008

Was this Windows or linux?   There is a sort of well known DOS/Windows
problem where the copy command does NOT neccessarily copy empty files.
Files that have been created but never written to (ie zero bytes) are in the
grey world between existing and not existing as far as Copy commands, and
some standard file calls...FileExists however does work...
A similar grey area exists with empty directories.

John Bird

 we got a little foxed as their system did not recover empty files, or at
least their system did not copy them off - presumably they assumed that
empty files were of little significance. Try telling that to a database like
Mysql (very popular for the web guys) !! Once we figured that out the rest
was easy. 


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