[DUG] DBEdit

John Bird johnkbird at paradise.net.nz
Tue Jul 29 16:43:08 NZST 2008

I have a floating point figure in a table/ClientDataSet that shows in a
DBEdit.  Sometimes when it is small it reverts to scientific notation, eg
1.7E-6 which means nothing to the users.  I made a long edit box to show the
0.0000017 etc - now if only I can make Delphi show it that way.   Is there a
way to specifiy the formatting of floats? - I looked around and didn't see
Related - I also want to occasionally display an integer with a special
format in a DBEdit - eg 20080729.   Yes its a date and obviously I would
like to show it as eg 29-Jul-08 or some similar date format.
Any suggestions?
(D5 Enterprise, and/or D2007)



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