[DUG] D2009 or later version suggestion....
Alister Christie
alister at salespartner.co.nz
Fri Dec 12 13:38:10 NZDT 2008
My CodeRage III presentation has a few IDE hints in it
Alister Christie
Computers for People
Ph: 04 471 1849 Fax: 04 471 1266
PO Box 13085
Jeremy North wrote:
>> Also many of the power features of the standard IDE are very hard to
>> discover.....for instance although I have seen others demonstrate declaring
>> a local variable while writing code in D2006/D2007, I have never yet found
>> out how to do it.
> It is a template.
> In a method
> Press Ctrl+Space
> Type in var and hit enter
> You should now have the following inserted
> LVar: Integer;
> Where LVar will be highlighted. Type in your variable name and press
> Tab (or Enter if it is an integer), then enter in the type and press
> enter (or tab).
> I prefer to use the Declare variable refactoring where you type in
> your code as usual and then use Shift+Ctrl+V on the variable name to
> declare it locally or Shift+Ctrl+D to declare in in the interface
> section of the class.
> The reason you have to use Ctrl+Space is because the template is only
> available using manual invoking. You can change it to invoke
> automatically but that would drive you nuts with the template being
> used when you don't really want it to. You could easily rename the
> template to something else (such as va) and set that template to
> "auto" invoking. To see other templates you can use the View |
> Templates command.
> I wrote an expert for creating and editing templates, just never got
> around to publishing it. If you have questions on templates, I
> _should_ be able to answer them.
> cheers,
> Jeremy
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