[DUG] Rave Reports
Jeremy Coulter
jscoulter at gmail.com
Mon Dec 1 10:32:37 NZDT 2008
Thanks Max.
Guess I have a few days of investigation ahead of me.
I am now not just thinking of Rave, but also ReportBuilder (upgrading to the
latest) and FastReports.
I have heard FastReports is meant to be res. good.
On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 10:05 AM, Max Nilson <max at accredo.co.nz> wrote:
> Jeremy Coulter asked further:
> > I seemed to remember that it output to PDF, but does it also export to
> Excel too?
> Ummm, moderately badly as I have tested. The Excel export engine portion
> makes a bunch of guesses at cell positioning and stuff the generated
> report data into Excel with a certain amount of formatting. Its all a
> bit ugly really because it's a translation from paper based positioning
> into Excel cell based positioning..
> Needless to say this was not good enough for us, so I wrote my own Excel
> and XLS exporting engines that take our raw data and moves it into Excel
> at exact locations, and with totalling expressions where possible. We
> never exposed our users to the RPPro Excel output at all after in house
> testing.
> > Most of our data is pretty basic. the most complex it gets is that it
> requires grouping.
> > I guess I need to workout our most complex report, and see how I go
> reproducing that.
> RPPro (code based) is superb at single dataset based reports with
> grouping. Its pretty much all our reporting engine does, with only bells
> and whistles being that we allow the users to selected the visible
> fields, the totalled fields, and the rest just generated.
> The other extras I have added are ways of generating master-detail
> dataset style reports and other more complicated structures (like
> master-detail-detail and master-(detail, detail), but as usual 80% of
> the reports are single table and the rest are not much more complicated.
> Cheers, Max.
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