[DUG] Interfaces

Alister Christie alister at salespartner.co.nz
Fri Aug 8 12:09:22 NZST 2008

Okay here is my second bit of confusion cleared up regarding interface 
If I declare the following types
  INoiseable = interface
    procedure MakeNoise;
  ISpeakable = interface(INoiseable)
    procedure Speak;
  TPerson = class(TInterfacedObject, ISpeakable)
    procedure MakeNoise;
    procedure Speak;

procedure TPerson.MakeNoise;
  showMessage('Some Noise');

procedure TPerson.Speak;
  ShowMessage('Some Speach')

procedure TForm4.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  Person : TPerson;
  Speakable : ISpeakable;
  Speakable := TPerson.Create;
  (Speakable as INoiseable).MakeNoise; //this fails - TPerson does not 
support INoiseable - eventhough it inherits from ISpeakable
  (Speakable as ISpeakable).MakeNoise; //this is fine

However if I change my TPerson to the following
  TPerson = class(TInterfacedObject, ISpeakable, INoiseable)
then all is happy.  I don't quite understand fully why as yet - I guess 
you can't get an interface pointer to an object unless it explicitly 
states that it supports that interface.

Alister Christie
Computers for People
Ph: 04 471 1849 Fax: 04 471 1266
PO Box 13085

Alister Christie wrote:
> No,
> There is some other stuff that is confusing me also to do with interface 
> inheritance - I think I'm going to have to do some reading.
> Alister Christie
> Computers for People
> Ph: 04 471 1849 Fax: 04 471 1266
> http://www.salespartner.co.nz
> PO Box 13085
> Johnsonville
> Wellington 
> Todd Martin wrote:
>> Hi Alister
>> Are you implementing IXMLResidentialType via delegation?
>> Todd.
>>> I'm having some fun with interfaces
>>> I have two interfaces IXMLResidentialType and IAuctionable.
>>> I have a class which implements these two interfaces
>>> TXMLResidentialType = class(TXMLNode, IXMLResidentialType, IAuctionable) 
>>> ...
>>> I have some code
>>> var
>>>   Res : IXMLResidentialType;
>>>   Auctionable : IAuctionable;
>>> begin
>>> ...
>>>   if Res.QueryInterface(IAuctionable, Auctionable) = 0 then
>>>     ShowMessage('Auctionable');
>>> What I'm trying to determine is if Res implements IAuctionable - which 
>>> it does (through TXMLResidentialType which effective Res is an instance 
>>> of), however IXMLResidentialType doesn't seem to realise this.  How do I 
>>> make this work?
>>> Does this question make any sense?
>>> If I'm not able to do this it's not too much of a problem, but will mean 
>>> a bunch of duplicated code.
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