[DUG] Heres one for the ADO guys

Robert martin rob at chreos.co.nz
Mon Apr 7 11:06:34 NZST 2008


I will answer my own question :)

I put the following after each execute of the QDO statement and it seems 
to fix the problem (a bit of a pain and performance issue however).

for Counter  := 0 to uQ.Parameters.Count - 1 do begin
    uQ.Parameters[Counter].Value := Null;

uQ is the update Query.

Rob Martin
Software Engineer

phone +64 03 377 0495
fax   +64 03 377 0496
web www.chreos.com

Wild Software Ltd

Robert martin wrote:
> Hi
> I have an app that copies data from a Firebird DB to an access (or any 
> other ODBC) DB.  I have a master SQL that runs on a FB DB (using 
> IBObjects native components). I create a TADOQuery component which I 
> load with an Insert query (something like insert into x (a, b) values 
> (:a, :b). The master has fields named a, b etc.
> I set the mastersource to the FB queries datasource and run the insert 
> query once for each record in the master.
> This works a treat.  However something has changed !
> The problem I am now having is that if some of the values in the 
> master are NULL (as they often are) then the insert is not inserting 
> NULL, it is inserting the last non null value loaded.
> How do I get around this?  I know if I was 'manually' loading the data 
> via code I could load the params with Nulls where required, but I am 
> relying on the master detail link for the data.
> Is there perhaps some setting I am missing?  (I assume the change is 
> occuring due to an update of Delphi, OS or IBObjects components).

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