[DUG] Source Control - Sharing files between projects

Berend de Boer berend at pobox.com
Wed Sep 26 12:08:02 NZST 2007

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "David" == David Brennan <dugdavid at dbsolutions.co.nz> writes:

    David> So by my understanding you are talking about effectively
    David> sharing code between your product directories BUT not
    David> having the sharing happen automatically. Instead you are
    David> triggering the sharing (really merging) from a central
    David> control point for that code only when you want to.

Yes, with many different developers working in different binaries (for
example GUI and backend) I've found that not having one checkin break
the whole world, worked perfectly well.

So at controlled moments in time developers can grab updates (merge

    David> The example in the link was for an external library and I
    David> can see that working well. I'm not so sure it is applicable
    David> to what I am talking about.  This isn't library code, it is
    David> frequently changing core code which needs to be shared
    David> between say 8 other projects which use the same code. It
    David> must be edited within one of those projects in order for
    David> changes to make sense.  Potentially you will want to
    David> perform the edit in any of the 8 projects because the edit
    David> is part of a larger change that is centred in that project.
    David> So either you have to manually merge that change into each
    David> of the 7 other project branches when you check it in OR you
    David> have a situation where 8 branches projects are all having
    David> disjoint changes occurring.

    David> I don't imagine this is what you were suggesting... ;-)

    David> So if you have time I would love to hear what you mean?

If you are the sole developer, you can have a common directory that
all these 8 projects use. No need to branch this common code to the 8
projects. But it's not an approach that does scale.

So it depends on the size of your team.

- -- 
All the best,

Berend de Boer

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