[DUG] Delphi 2007 issue

Robert martin rob at wildsoft.co.nz
Tue Sep 11 09:49:37 NZST 2007

Hi All

You may remember that I have a problem with Delphi 2007 saving my
project settings.  The issue is the following ...

When I change my project version number, add pas files to the project or
in general change any project settings I am unable to save these
settings.  When I click the 'Save All' button or close Delphi and say
yes to save I get the following error message...

'Unable to rename 'C:\Developement\Chreos3\Client\ChreosClient.tlb' to

There is no file called 'ChreosClient.tlb.~1~' in my
'C:\Developement\Chreos3\Client\__history\' directory.  If I manually
copy the file in and rename it appropriately the error message simply
changes to....

'Unable to rename 'C:\Developement\Chreos3\Client\ChreosClient.tlb' to

This only happens with this project, not other projects.  My OS is
Windows Vista Premium.

I have reported this issue a number of times to Codegear both manually
(in QC) and automatically by clicking the 'send' button on the form the
error shows on.  I have the latest release.

To get around my problem I have to copy my development directory to
another machine (running XP and Delphi 2007) and make the changes
there.  The DO save on this machine.  I them copy the files back and am
back to my default position of not being able to save changes.

As the  issue only seems to happen in one application on my PC I believe
it must be a corrupted setting somewhere in my project.  However the
fact I can copy the files to another PC and compile there seems to
indicate this is not the case.

A number of you have already tried to help me solve this problem.

This is becoming intensely frustrating, this is one of the projects I do
most of my work in.  I an on the second update of Delphi since release
and it is still not fixed.  (Not to mention the screen corruption
problem which makes me have to run Delphi in Areo Basic display mode -
which has been documented since release).

What do I do ?

p.s. I have tried manually editing the .dproj and .dof files in notepad
to change the version number and although the changes stick the Delphi
IDE does not seem to read them (meaning they must be set in at least a
third place).

Rob Martin
Software Engineer

phone +64 03 377 0495
fax   +64 03 377 0496
web www.chreos.com

Wild Software Ltd

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