[DUG] Delphi Callbacks using DataSnap

Alister Christie alister at salespartner.co.nz
Thu Sep 6 16:28:39 NZST 2007

Okay, I've got it going - I've never been very good at following 
instructions, but I'm still interested in knowing if there is a DataSnap 
expert out there.

Alister Christie
Computers for People
Ph: 04 471 1849 Fax: 04 471 1266
PO Box 13085

Alister Christie wrote:
> I've been trying to work out how to do callbacks using DataSnap and 
> I've been trying follow Xavier Pacheco tutorial 
> <http://dn.codegear.com/tw/article/29539>.  However things have 
> changed a little since Delphi 6, in particular the data types for 
> parameters.  I guess I should probably ask if anyone here is an expert 
> on COM before I attempt to phrase a question,
> So are there any COM/DataSnap experts out there?

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