[DUG] Delphi 2006 and 2007 - Accredo etc

Jeremy North jeremy.north at gmail.com
Wed Sep 5 17:18:13 NZST 2007

> > PHP is open source. Delphi is not. I think that is a big difference.
> >
> Explain?

People pay money to get the product that _includes_ help. They don't
pay to get part of the product. Would it be quicker for them to
moderate 5 versions of one help topic, or just write it themselves?

The mess about the help is CodeGears fault. I don't buy the blame
Borland stance. You can decompile HLP files. They could have done

What is worse if you compare the TStrings properties help topic from
D2006 to D2007. The differences are amazing.

2007 link (watch wrapping)

2006 link (watch wrapping)

> > You can already send back help snippets and feedback to CodeGear. How
> > many topics have you done that for so far?
> >
> In my experiance posting stuff to a big corporate is a waste of time,

But you are willing to send them an email of things for them to be
moderated? With a "wiki type interface", it is just an email sent with
the updates. What makes you think they will moderate those more
quickly than how you can do it now.

> My
> point was that they don't control all
> the 'help'  out there online so why roll out a closed non-interactive
> system with what is touted as the worlds best
> IDE,

The Help 2.0 system is extremely interactive and you can easiler merge
your own content into the official help system. Including adding your
own filters.

> If within the IDE you could edit the help that is then posted
> online back to Codegear for moderation and
> distributed to those who subscribe to it we would have had decent help a
> long time ago (and in the IDE)

I think I covered this above


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