[DUG] Expression Parser/Evaluator

David Brennan dugdavid at dbsolutions.co.nz
Wed Oct 24 16:18:46 NZDT 2007



Another question in the popular family of "what is the best component suite
for X?".


Can anyone recommend a good expression parser/evaluator? Ideally a bit more
than just mathematical expressions, we would like it to handle logical
evaluation (ie Booleans), IF statements and ideally strings (primarily for
comparison within boolean IF conditions but if the parser/evaluator could
handle strings as results then all the better). We don't need any loop
constructs or more advanced program control constructs. We would probably
like to be able to define our own expression functions but the user probably
doesn't need to be able to.


Quality (ie reliability), functionality and availability of source code are
our main criteria here. Price isn't going to be so much of an issue unless
they are hideously expensive or there are multiple good options to choose


Any recommendations? Warnings on what to avoid?













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