[DUG] D2007 Disappearing Glyphs on BDE Datasets Cpts

Robert martin rob at chreos.co.nz
Thu Oct 18 08:49:10 NZDT 2007


We have had this happen on one machine here.  In our case it is when you 
first load up, sometimes if the datamodule with the database component 
isn't opened first other datamodules open without glphs and other 
functionality.  A restart fixes this.

Our compoenents are not BDE however, they are IbObjects components.  We 
had thought it was just a minor glitch with the install on that machine.


Rob Martin
Software Engineer

phone +64 03 377 0495
fax   +64 03 377 0496
web www.chreos.com

Wild Software Ltd

Eric A wrote:
> In a Delphi 2007 project, recently created, the glyphs on the BDE 
> dataset components (TTable, TQuery) disappear after a while from the 
> design time components in the Data Module.  I can place a new dataset 
> component on the form and the Glyph initially appears but after a 
> while (haven't figured out the sequence) the glyph disappears again.
> Also, it appears that once this happens I can't right-click the TQuery 
> component and bring up the SQL Builder unless I add another (fresh) 
> TQuery component to the Data Module.
> Has anyone experienced this behaviour or have thoughts on how to cure 
> it?  I've never had this instability in Delphi 7.
> Eric
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