[DUG] Source Control - ToritoiseSVN - Importing without Deletion

Moretti, Giovanni G.Moretti at massey.ac.nz
Tue Oct 16 14:37:38 NZDT 2007

Hi Peter
> Strangely enough, when I follow the process you described, it does
> NOT detect all the existing files as new, so the Commit does NOT
> import them as versioned files 

They can't be "versioned" as they've new to the repository and therefore
don't (yet) have any history.

> it will show them to me as non-versioned files, 
> but that's not at all what I'm after.

That's what I'd expect - they are new and not in the repository so are
non-versioned. If in the commit dialog (as long as you show
"non-versioned files" option checked) and you tick the checkbox beside
each file you want added, when you commit they'll be added to the
repository and will then begin to have a history ...

Isn't this what you were after - a way of getting files into the
repository without having to import, delete the originals and then check
them out again?

Giovanni Moretti  |  Institute of Information Sciences and Technology
Senior Lecturer   |  Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Computer Science  |  Ph 64-6-3505799x2474 =Fax 64-6-3502259 == ZL2BOI 
http://www-ist.massey.ac.nz/moretti     mailto:G.Moretti at massey.ac.nz

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