[DUG] Vista and Ini files

Rohit Gupta rohit at cfl.co.nz
Tue May 1 15:57:48 NZST 2007

Maybe Russell can share his experiences  :-)

John Bird wrote:
> A friend of mine said this about Vista
> "I understand, without confirmation yet, that Vista is intercepting calls to
> the Windows API for INI files. I would like to do INI (config) files as I
> want to not as Vista is doing. So I am looking for a self made INI file
> replacement that does not use Windows API stuff. My goal is simply to manage
> INI files as I expect them to behave, so I can avoid unexpected consequences
> of Vista. At present I am using Delphi's built in TINIfile, which I am
> guessing calls Windows API code."
> I think in my brief tests of Vista there were issues writing to settings
> files including .ini files but I thought it was to do with fil permissions -
> that is once I allowed full access to the folder where the ini files were
> then all seemed to behave.
> Anyone have more information on if and how Vista changes access to ini
> files?  Does D2007 contain changes to Tinifile to cater for this?  Any
> issues for earlier versions?
> I am guessing if Vista has changed the rules is maybe similar to how it
> restricts access to certain parts of the registry hives...
> John
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*Rohit Gupta*
* B.E. Elec.   M.E.   Mem IEEE    Associate IEE*
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*Computer Fanatics Limited*
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