[DUG] Delphi for PHP
Neven MacEwan
neven at mwk.co.nz
Fri Mar 16 06:41:59 NZDT 2007
My concern was that the JS function declaration Button1onClick($control,
was unnecesarrily abstracted, difficult enough to write reliable JS
without knowing the parameters
(which I assume would change if you renamed the control!) it could have
Button1onClick(Sender, $params) or would this have been to 'delphi' as
to where the $params were defined
(an subsequently why they could not resolve the $params into a literal
list or are they an array (or object)).
>> not listen to answers to things you didn't understand.
Generally the function of a question sorry I was so enthusiastic. But in my defence I have in the last 6 months written
php classes for TObject, TPersistent, TDBPersistent...TButton, TTextArea..., TDataset, TDatabase...so have an intense interest
in a VCL Framework
I'll report back if I get on the beta, but I still expected more product
knowledge at a launch. (Maybe Richard should have done it?)
The (re)definition of Delphi does beg another question..Is this a Delphi
List or an Object Pascal List?
PS Alister..Noble are there others you patronise in the same manner?
> Hash: SHA1
>>>>>> "Neven" == Neven MacEwan <neven at mwk.co.nz> writes:
> Neven> Richard Who mentioned training? yes the script problem (and
> Neven> the interbase table problem) caused the demo not to go
> Neven> smoothly And no I don't want to privately email you on
> Neven> this, If you want to insult me you can do it publicly
> Come on Neven, take it easy. Your "two questions" were more a rapid
> fire of questions, many of them based on not looking carefully at the
> screen. Others were there to see what the tool could do, not listen to
> answers to things you didn't understand.
> There was enough room to ask questions afterward.
> Richard Vowles will present this tool at the PHP user group, so you
> have another chance to ask questions.
> - --
> All the best,
> Berend de Boer
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> =xGcg
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