[DUG] Delphi for PHP

Neven MacEwan neven at mwk.co.nz
Thu Mar 15 16:44:44 NZDT 2007


 >> I think at that point your heckling was needing to be stopped IMHO.

I wasn't really canvasing for a "party line" from you (or your HO) and I 
was responding to a request from the presenter (hardly heckling), or is 
2 questions heckling?

Yes the product was impressive but as you don't use PHP (or a PHP IDE 
like I do) I could hardly give your judgement weight
As he pointed out the main feature is the VCL framework and I would have 
appreciated more demoing of how that works not
onstage debugging of a one line script
When I take time to come to a presentation do not expect to sit thru a 
lightweight il informed blurb.


> Neven MacEwan wrote:
>> Hi
>> Anyone else this morning thought that if you are going to demonstrate 
>> an IDE for a language it might be advisable to
>> at least know a smidgen of it? I was well put in my place over the 
>> $params question though I did think he did ask  "any questions" not
>> "any questions I could possibly answer"
>> Neven - should I buy now with SA or wait for version 2? 
> Do you want to go on the beta? Then you'll know - I was pretty 
> impressed with what I saw. I'm still not a PHP fan, but I can see how 
> this tool could rock.
> Richard
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