[DUG] Re: Delphi 2007
Richard Vowles
richard at developers-inc.co.nz
Mon Mar 5 23:14:59 NZDT 2007
Peter Ingham wrote:
> This might be a question for either the mail list, or the DI web site.
> What does the D2007 Pro upgrade include.
> e.g.: D7 included Kylix 3; D2006 included BDS, C#, C++
> Is D2007 just win32 IDE + win32 Compiler, or is it BDS with the
> trimmings.
Hi Peter,
Good question. I have updated the category description:
What is in this product: This is just Delphi 2007 for Win32. There is no
.NET, no C#, no C++, not in this release. If you want those products,
you need to purchase software assurance. If you are upgrading from
Delphi then with software assurance you will get the full suite as it
arrives over the next 12 months. If you are upgrading from the Turbo
Delphi editions, you will get the equivalent releases as they arrive.
Is that sufficiently clear or should I re-word it? I am in no way the
perfect communicator :-)
Richard Vowles, Product Evangelist
Developers Inc Ltd (for Delphi, C++ Builder, JBuilder, InterBase)
March Codegear Seminars: http://tinyurl.com/25jxqk
web. http://www.developers-inc.co.nz
ph. +64-9-3600231, mob. +64-275-467747, fax. +64-9-3600384, skype. rvowles
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