[DUG] Anyone need XP Pro?

Berend de Boer berend at pobox.com
Fri Jun 15 07:01:49 NZST 2007

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Rob" == Rob van der Linde <robvdl at paradise.net.nz> writes:

    Rob> As far as I recall, XP OEM can be sold with either a new PC,
    Rob> HDD, CPU or Motherboard, well that is what I recall from 4 or
    Rob> 5 years ago, when I was working in a computer store. Maybe
    Rob> they have changed the rules a bit now, I don't know.

AFAIK that's still the precise definition. So buy a piece of hardware
and you can buy an OEM license.

    >> OK, so you don't really care, and neither do I - and, after
    >> all, it's only Microsoft, and they're fair game - right? Still,
    >> I feel a little uneasy to see any software company's licence
    >> treated in so cavalier a fashion.

How many of us haven't bought an HD without buying a M$ OEM license? I
think any of us is perfectly entitled to this OEM license if they
bought any piece of hardware recently.

- -- 
All the best,

Berend de Boer

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