[DUG] Find the currently executing source line

Berend de Boer berend at pobox.com
Fri Jul 13 16:19:38 NZST 2007

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Steve" == Steve Peacocke <steve.peacocke at gmail.com> writes:

    Steve> Good afternoon All, I'm trying to do something rather
    Steve> unusual here with Delphi. Instead of tracing code one step
    Steve> at a time, I want to pause the code when I see that a
    Steve> certain error has occurred and ask delphi to show me the
    Steve> source line that its currently executing. The program is
    Steve> still running in the background, so I press pause. It then
    Steve> always loads the CPU window (meaning absolutely nothing to
    Steve> me) and when i try to "trace until the next source line",
    Steve> it comes up with the following error...

Try bringing up the stack window, that might help?

- -- 
Live long and prosper,

Berend de Boer

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