[DUG] Indy's FTP Component - change in 'Connect' since D7

Steve Peacocke steve.peacocke at gmail.com
Tue Jul 10 15:14:33 NZST 2007

Good afternoon all,

I'm having a little trouble with Indy's FTP component. The last time
this particular project was compiled was with Delphi 7. Needless to
say, I did not write this code.

All I did was compile this project again with Delphi 2007. To do that
I had to change just 2 things:

1. Added 'idglobalProtocols' to the Uses statement so CopyFileTo() will work.

2. Changed the call to TIdFTP's Connect method.

TIdFTP's Connect had changed in 2004 to remove parameters.

Old code...

I changed to..
    cmFtp.AutoLogin := true;

With that as the ONLY change, the old exe works perfectly in
transferring a file, but the new exe comes up with "Problem collecting

Has anyone been through this before? Should I be doing/setting something else?

Steve Peacocke

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