[DUG] firebird query parameters behaving oddly

Tracey tracey at logis.co.nz
Fri Jul 6 13:38:10 NZST 2007

Hi all


I have in my code many areas where queries are "strung" together then
executed.  These queries are parameterized.  However I am having problems
with my date parameters.


If I have my sql string looking like this:


SQL.Add('Select stuff');

SQL.Add('From tables ');

SQL.Add('Join more tables on keys');

SQL.Add('Where DataDate >= :from');

SQL.Add('And DataDate <= :to');

ParamByName('from').AsString = sFromDat;  (previously checked valid date
loaded into string)

ParamByName('to).AsString = sToDat;  (previously checked valid date loaded
into string)



These queries work, however I seem to be missing records.  


If I do the unthinkable and string the date values in with the query:


SQL.Add('Select stuff');

SQL.Add('From tables ');

SQL.Add('Join more tables on keys');

SQL.Add('Where DataDate >= ''' + sFromDat + '''');

SQL.Add('And DataDate <= ''' + sToDat + '''');


I get the correct amount of records


I wouldn't even know where to start on this one, I am leaving the params as
they are in the working code, but not happy about it.


Any revelations?




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