[DUG] Where is TypeInfo?

Steve Peacocke steve.peacocke at gmail.com
Mon Jul 2 11:14:31 NZST 2007

Good Morning All,

Re: Delphi 2007 and missing TypeInfo.dcu

I'm converting some code from using strings - and therefore litterally
hundreds upon hundreds of lines of ELSE IF - into using enums so case
statements can be used. I am particularly wanting to use

But I'm stumped at the first step. If I place TypeInfo in my uses
statement, Delphi 2007 tells me that ..

[DCC Error] main.pas(7): F1026 File not found: 'TypeInfo.dcu'

A search of everything below "..\Program Files\" turns up nothing that
even mentions TypeInfo.

What gives here? I know I used to just add TypeInfo into the uses
statement in Delphi 7.

Can anyone please shed some light on this? Thanks.


Steve Peacocke

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