[DUG] A D2006 quirk

Rohit Gupta rohit at cfl.co.nz
Wed Jan 31 08:45:16 NZDT 2007

Even D7 gets confused if you fiddle in its domain of the dpr file.  It 
keeps reformatting it and inserting lines of its own.  :-)

karlreynolds at xtra.co.nz wrote:
> Sometimes the D2006 IDE tries to be too smart for its own good. We had 
> been wondering why the Title, Icon and so forth on the Application 
> pane of Project Options had all been disabled since we (finally) 
> ported our projects over from D6. Well it turns out that that happens 
> if you don't have Application.Initialize in your project source. What 
> our applications did have was:
> begin
>   RunApplication;
> end.
> with RunApplication being a common procedure:
> procedure RunApplication;
> begin
>   Application.Initialize;
>   <a huge amount of stuff that's not worth going into now, but 
> including Application.Run etc.>
> end;
> But that's not good enough for D2006.
> Cheers,
> Carl
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*Rohit Gupta*
* B.E. Elec.   M.E.   Mem IEEE    Associate IEE*
*Technical Manager*
*Computer Fanatics Limited*
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