[DUG] Rave 5 - Make page 3 follow at end of 2

Nick Fauchelle nick at unica.co.nz
Mon Jan 8 09:37:51 NZDT 2007

Hi guys.

Got this rave report, which prints fine except for one thing.
In the design view of rave I have it setup on 2 pages. Both pages 
contain a region component that goes over the whole thing. On both pages 
I have many band and databand components.

Now when I print this report, Page 1 spills over to a second page, then 
Page 2 of (of my report) is printed on a third page.
This would be fine, except the second page is only half used, I would of 
thought design page 2 would then start printing and use up the rest of 
that half before making the next page.

So I get this

Print page 1 = 70% of design page 1
Print page 2 = last 30% of design page 1 (rest of page is blank)
Print page 3 = 100% design page 2

I would rather

Print page 1 = 70% dp 1
Print page 2 = last 30% dp1 and first 70% dp2
Print page 3 = last 30% dp2

(the reason for the spillage is the amount of data that gets entered).

I have tried adjusting the Goto Page on the first page so it's -> 
GotoMode = gmGotoDone and GotoPage = Page2, no go, the other GotoModes 
don't help either.

Rather stuck....

Any solutions?
Rave 5, Delphi 7


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