[DUG] to ADOStoredProc or not to :-)

Jeremy Coulter vss at vss.co.nz
Wed Feb 14 15:52:07 NZDT 2007

Hi all.
I am soon going to move a project over to MSDE from Access for performace
and other various reasons.
In the past, and I dont know if its because I am just lazy or if its just
because its just the way I do things, but I dont use use the ADOStoredProc
control, but rather use either an ADOCommand or ADOQuery control to execute
stored procs on MSSQL database.
I am in the habit of using parameterized querys to execute teh storedproc,
as it seems to me a whole lot of extra coding just to dynamically add a
parameter to the ADOStoredProc control, UNLESS you have one for every
StoredProc you are goign to run in which case you can let it put in the
parameters for you when you connect to control to a DB.
Is there any advantage to usig the ADOStoredProc compared to a parametized
query to execute a stored proc using an ADOQuery control?
It just a question realy. I guess they way I am doing it now definitly
works, but are there perfomrance reasons why or why not to use an
ADOStoredproc control etc?
Thanks, Jeremy

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