[DUG] Speed of loading a Client DataSet

Kyley Harris kyleyharris at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 15:43:40 NZDT 2007

ClientDataset is terribly slow sometimes.

I am using a Virtual Memory Table called TVirtualTable which came with SDAC
from crlabs

I was able to run a Query on a middle tier that loaded 40,000 items of about
20 fields into a virtual table,
stream the virtual table to a string, send it over a tcp socket on
localhost, reconvert stringstream back to a virtual table and display it.
Total time was 4 seconds. (in a virtual machine)

On Dec 6, 2007 3:35 PM, John Bird <johnkbird at paradise.net.nz> wrote:

> I want to use TClientDataSet for data that is NOT in a database.
> Just reading the data from a file, eg for 15000 records, takes much less
> than a second, but reading the data and inserting several fields into a
> client dataset in a simple loop takes a lot longer, eg 6 seconds or more
> for
> the same 15000 records.
> The code I am using is like:
>    with tbData do
>    begin
>      append;
>      fieldbyname('FieldName1').asInteger:=Number1;
>        fieldbyname('FieldName2').asInteger:=Number2;
>      fieldbyname('FieldName3').asInteger:=Number3;
>      fieldbyname('Name').asString:=Name;
>      fieldbyname('Desc').asString:=Desc;
>      post;
>    end;
> I would like to speed this up, as I have seen that reading similar data
> from
> a Database eg with a query is much faster.  Any suggestions to speed this
> up?
> I already have lines in such as
>  tbdata.DisableControls;
>  tbdata.EnableControls;
> Before and after I start reading the data to stop screen updates....
> John
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Kyley Harris
Harris Software
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