[DUG] Indy Smtp and XTRA

Sandeep Chandra sandeep_groups at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 27 10:32:07 NZST 2007

Thanks Rohit,

I posted a message yesterday and for some reason it isn't there. Following is the copy of what I posted. 
Hi Bevan

>We don't use Indy, but we have had few problems connecting to Xtra since 
>the change.  But what are you talking about with port 465?  SMTP uses 
>port 25.

can connect using port 25, but when I try to send a message using
idSmtp.Send(idMessage) I get exception saying "Authentication failed".
If I try 465 I can't even connect.

I can use Indy and SSL to access the gmail
account but this XTRA thing is just not working.



I'll try and see if I can make it work.



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